ANDREW HARROP: Fabian Society analysis of the 2019 election result reveals the huge mountain Labour will need to climb to win in future
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A revolution in social security is needed after the general election including a 1-year emergency plan and a 10-year blueprint for reform, according to a new Fabian Society report published after 9 months of consultation.
New Fabian Society research reveals that renters’ support for rent controls is motivated by more than just saving money, with the results suggesting private renters want rent regulation to tackle insecurity and unfair treatment.
New Fabian Society report introduced by Sadiq Khan presents proposals for his second term as London mayor.
Trade unions need to better represent the UK’s 4 million self-employed workers, according to a new report by the Fabian Society.
Human rights abuses, immigration scandals and poor decision-making have left the immigration system in need of urgent reform, according to a new Fabian Society report.