The future of the left since 1884

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Building a more socially integrated society

Think tanks from the right and left of politics spend a lot of their time arguing with each other. But there is plenty we agree on too, and the need for social mixing and a shared common life is something that...

Trump and Brexit: Why it’s again NOT the economy, stupid

For months, commentators have flocked to diagnose the ills that have supposedly propelled Trump’s support, from the Republican primaries until now. As in Britain, many have settled on a ‘left behind’ narrative – that it is the poor white working-class losers from...

Wasted potential

Young Women’s Trust's new report, No country for young women, clearly shows that young people and particularly young women are struggling with major financial, work and housing problems. It contains shocking statistics which demonstrate that debt and job insecurity are taking...

We need to change the narrative on inequality

Earlier this year, Oxfam research found that the five richest families in the UK are wealthier than the poorest 20 per cent of the population combined. That means that just a handful of families hold more wealth than 12.5 million...

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