The future of the left since 1884

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England and Labour

The England and Labour project is being coordinated by Prof John Denham, Director of the Centre for English Identity and Politics at Winchester University, with an editorial group of Prof Mike Kenny (Director of the Mile End Institute, QMUL), Mary Riddell and...

Winning for Wales

Wales is on the up. Whichever way you look at it – employment stats, GCSE results, cancer survival rates – the important measurements are heading the right way. There’s also a new found confidence in the country, which we see...

Democratising devolution

In November, the UK‘s first ever ‘Citizens’ Assemblies’ on how its nations should be governed drew to a close. This ground-breaking project was run by universities from across the country together with the Electoral Reform Society, and aimed to give...

True north

There’s a popular belief that the Chinese word for crisis is made up of the symbols for both danger and opportunity. The Labour party has a similar relationship with the word devolution, though sadly we don’t seem to be focusing...

Rebuilding Labour Britain

2015 lies behind the Labour party like a battlefield littered with the detritus of its defeat. The party retreats into the new year, disoriented and deeply uncertain of its future. Ahead of it lies the European referendum debate and elections...

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