JAMES COLDWELL: Pledging work for all will be key to a Labour election victory
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A new package of ideas to take on rentier capitalism provides food for thought for Labour. James Coldwell reviews Guy Standing's The Corruption Of Capitalism...
How to Stop Brexit (And Make Britain Great Again) by Nick Clegg, Bodley Head, £8.99
Even at the height of Cleggmania, I never understood the appeal of the then Liberal Democrat leader. Nick Clegg performed very strongly during the prime ministerial...
Brexit: What the Hell Happens Now?, Ian Dunt, Canbury Press, 2016, £7.99
Two months ago Theresa May called a snap general election to secure a personal mandate for Brexit. May then proceeded, during the campaign, to refuse any meaningful discussion of...
Aside from YouGov, did anyone foresee last week’s election result? Most pollsters were way off the mark, as were the majority of those who placed bets on the outcome. Social media is now awash with spliced clips of Labour grandees...
“Take back control.” It has become clear that these words, more than anything else, helped the leave side to win the EU referendum vote last year. The result laid bare just how little power millions of voters felt they could...