AREEQ CHOWDHURY: We must combat disinformation with a civil internet tax.
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In the fast-changing world of work, workers deserve a real say over their future, writes Areeq Chowdhury in the first in our Workers and Technology: the key issues online blog series.
AREEQ CHOWDHURY AND TESS WOOLFENDEN: To defeat online abuse once and for all, should we suspend social media platforms?
Online voting is not only a necessity but an inevitability, writes Areeq Chrowdhury
We’re not even halfway through, and 2017 has already brought about another political earthquake in Western democracy. An earthquake in the sense that an election that was meant...
Online voting and digital democracy
Digital democracy, the next frontier in modern democratic reform, is a concept that isn’t given the prominence it deserves in British political discourse; but it is a concept that is fundamental to bridging the widening democratic...