The future of the left since 1884

Spring 2016: Fabian Review

The forthcoming spring issue of Fabian Review outlines new opportunities for transforming attitudes to welfare and new approaches to tackling poverty. With Andrew Harrop, Olivia Bailey and Alison McGovern.


  • Spring 2016
  • By Ed Wallis
  • Published 30 March 2016

The forthcoming spring issue of Fabian Review outlines new opportunities for transforming attitudes to welfare and new approaches to tackling poverty. With Andrew Harrop, Olivia Bailey and Alison McGovern. Also in this issue:

  • Carwyn Jones leads a special preview on the Welsh assembly elections
  • Mary Riddell interviews Scottish Labour party leader Kezia Dugdale
  • Jim Knight on how a new approach to education should be at the heart of the left’s answer to a changing world of work

Copies are available priced £4.95 from the Fabian Society bookshop – call 020 7227 4900, email or send a cheque payable to “The Fabian Society” to 61 Petty France, London, SW1H 9EU.

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Copies are also available priced £4.95 from the Fabian Society bookshop – call 020 7227 4900, email or send a cheque payable to “The Fabian Society” to 61 Petty France, London, SW1H 9EU.

Child poverty: what now?

4 April 2016

So the House of Lords did the job that the Commons could not. Without our undemocratic, unelected friends in ermine, the Conservatives would have succeeded in their stated aim to rip up the statutory commitment to end child poverty within...

Continue reading Inequality / Welfare


Ed Wallis

Ed Wallis is policy manager at Locality. He was previously editor of the Fabian Review.

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