The future of the left since 1884

Autumn 2013: Fabian Review

In our 2013 conference edition, the Fabian Review profiles 'Labour's Next Majority', with electoral analysis from Deputy General Secretary Marcus Roberts who highlights the importance of Lib Dem switchers, new and non voters and a sliver of Conservatives to 'Miliband's Majority'.


  • Autumn 2013
  • By Ed Wallis
  • Published 30 September 2013

In our 2013 conference edition, the Fabian Review profiles ‘Labour’s Next Majority’, with electoral analysis from Deputy General Secretary Marcus Roberts who highlights the importance of Lib Dem switchers, new and non voters and a sliver of Conservatives to ‘Miliband’s Majority’.

Also featuring:

  • Labour PPCs Jessica Asato, Polly Billington, Rowenna Davis, Kate Godfrey and Anna Turley look at why a Labour victory in 2015 will make a difference to some key policy areas.
  • John Denham MP examines what’s missing from Labour’s policy development process
  • Mary Riddell interviews shadow justice minister Sadiq Khan MP, on justice, London and party reform.
  • Shortcuts include contributions from Richard Speight on Labour’s approach to towns, Seema Malhotra on the market and the state, Charlotte Proudman on legal aid reforms, Rachael Jolley on censorship in film, Otto Thoresen on pensions and Rob Tinker on how politicians judge success in the economy.
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Ed Wallis

Ed Wallis is policy manager at Locality. He was previously editor of the Fabian Review.

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