The future of the left since 1884

Back to Earth: Reconnecting people and politics

The left has a special stake in ensuring faith in politics endures. Power needs to be felt at a local level before people will feel that they have a stake nationally.


With public trust in politicians to tell the truth at a paltry 18 per cent and the forthcoming European elections set to be a new low watermark for democratic engagement, the democratic deficit has never felt so real.

In this pamphlet, innovative new research from BritainThinks reveals that change must be rooted in an understanding of what citizens feel is wrong with politics. When asked what they’d most like to change about politics, people talked about changing politicians themselves: who they are, the way that they talk and act, and the kinds of issues they prioritise. But the solutions that really hit home were those that ultimately put power back in the hands of people, making them more connected to decision-making. Power needs to be recognised at a local level before people will feel that they have a stake nationally.

We need to see democracy spread through all spheres of life. Democracy is a muscle, and restoring it to fitness requires much more regular exercise than just a run around at election time. ‘Back to Earth: Reconnecting people and politics’ brings together leading thinkers from Britain and Europe to consider how politics can be re-situated at the heart of our communities.

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How to purchase

Copies are available, priced £9.95, from the Fabian Society. Call 020 7227 4900, email or send a cheque payable to The Fabian Society to 61 Petty France, London, SW1H 9EU.


Ed Wallis

Ed Wallis is policy manager at Locality. He was previously editor of the Fabian Review.

Ania Skrzypek-Claassens

Ania Skrzypek is a Senior Research Fellow at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies.


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