The future of the left since 1884

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A New Collectivism: The Future of Trade Unions

Caroline Flint MP, Anna Turley MP, Sue Ferns and Antonia Bance discussing the challenges facing trade unions and the innovations they need to thrive. Organised by the Changing Work Centre – a joint research initiative from Community and the Fabian Society.

Fabian Society AGM 2017

Our AGM is an opportunity for all members to have their say on the direction of the Fabian Society and ask about our work. We will host a discussion ahead of the formal business of our AGM. This year’s panel discussion will be The Year in Review: Twelve months of British politics.

Gordon Brown in conversation with Robert Peston

Gordon Brown (former prime minister) and Robert Peston ( ITV’s political editor and presenter of Peston on Sunday) in conversation, chaired by Ria Bernard (Chair, Young Fabians).

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