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Local banking: A quiet revolution

With French economist Thomas Piketty’s book, ‘Capital’, shooting straight to the top of the bestsellers list, the need to tackle rampant inequality in the UK becomes ever clearer. Meanwhile, a quiet revolution in public finance has been slowly spreading across the UK,...

Work and Business: Radical action on top pay

Since we were established in 2012, the High Pay Centre has tried to put evidence and analysis at the centre of the emotive debate about top pay. We want to identify how Government policy on the growing pay gap can...

Work and Business: Healthy competition

Pollsters scored Ed Miliband’s promise to freeze energy prices as the hit of the 2013 conference season, and the intervention did his personal ratings no harm at all. It signalled both Labour’s newfound muscularity over corporate interests and a welcome...

Budget 2014: LIVE BLOG

13.47: The Budget announcement has wound down now so too is the blog. Thanks

13.45: Michael Gove (who made remarks about the number of Old Etonians in the Government in an interview with the FT over the weekend) has been banished...

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