The future of the left since 1884

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The case for child benefit

George Osborne has his sights on child benefit. Yesterday, challenged repeatedly, he refused to rule out scrapping the benefit and merging it into means-tested universal credit.

He could hardly do otherwise, while also claiming he can find £12 billion in benefit...

The Inequality Election

Politics is fragmenting and it seems another inconclusive election is before us. The established Westminster parties have failed to find an answer to public disenchantment, as people say ‘you’re all the same’. But this year the choice between a Labour...

A new public realm: Notes from urban India

For anyone with a feel for recent British history, it was a heart-breaking scene: a brand new estate of social housing blocks, sat on the edge of city. The residents newly ‘decanted’ miles from their jobs and social networks, with...

Putting poverty at the heart of the 2015 election

Many thanks to the Fabian Society and Bright Blue for organising today’s event and to the Fabians for your important Inequality 2030 report.  Thanks are also due to the Webb Memorial Trust for supporting today’s event and for the work...

Inequality 2030

The UK has faced almost 10 years of falling living standards. Projections say poverty and inequality are on the rise. And there is still a huge hole in the public finances which limits, for now, the scope for public spending...

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