The future of the left since 1884

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Leaving the EU

Leaving the EU seems to open a period of great uncertainty for the UK. There are many roads it might follow but you would have to be crazy, reckless or both to follow most of them. The range of sensible...

Contemporary collectivism

 It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. Attributed to Mark Twain
Rapid or profound change can wrong-foot anyone. Political parties in the UK now face a challenge. Economic...

Labour divisions

As a long-time Labour party member and sympathiser, I despair. It is perfectly obvious that in many – though not all – policy areas, Jeremy Corbyn is right and the old Blair-Brownite consensus got things wrong. It is equally evident...

Rebuilding Labour Britain

2015 lies behind the Labour party like a battlefield littered with the detritus of its defeat. The party retreats into the new year, disoriented and deeply uncertain of its future. Ahead of it lies the European referendum debate and elections...

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