With social security partially devolved to Scotland since 2016, our proposals call on Holyrood to seize the opportunity of its devolved powers to lead the way on income replacement in the UK. Its proposals show the Scottish government already has the power to start to rebuild social security in Scotland around the principles of contribution, adequacy, and connection to work.
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A year-long research project by the Scottish Fabians and FEPS finds that devolution is at risk from 'no change' unionists, and 'no compromise' nationalists, and argues for Scottish Labour to reassert itself as pro-UK, pro-devolution and passionately pro-Scottish.
How do Scottish voters see their future – and how might Labour win them back? Martin McCluskey and Katherine Sangster report on new Fabian research.
Majority of Scots think independence is a ‘distraction’ from more important issues, according to new polling for the Scottish Fabians.
KATHERINE SANGSTER: Labour needs to become the pro-EU and pro-UK voice in Scotland - and should not make an electoral pact with the SNP.
Scottish Labour now has an opportunity to build on its election success
At the start of the general election campaign, the received wisdom in Scotland was that the best Labour could expect was for Ian Murray to hold onto his seat...