DAN CORRY: Those who think a tough Treasury is an obstacle to a radical left policy and want to weaken it and even break it up get it all wrong.
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Progressives have never been entirely happy with civil society – unless it is packaged in a nostalgic way around trade unions, friendly societies and co-ops.
For many on the left it reeks of paternalist charity, of the rich deigning to support...
For quite a while the New Public Management (NPM) approach to public services ruled the roost. But, rightly, its power is now on the wane. It became too rigid, too much about targets, had perverse effects in a number of...
In the immediate aftermath of Labour’s painful election defeat, every different colour of the progressive left emerged to give its view as to why Labour lost. Each particular brand of progressivism was able to show that – lo and behold...
The next Labour government should adopt a new fiscal rule seeking to reduce both the public sector deficit and the corporate sector surplus.
By Peter Kenway, Dan Corry and Steve Barwick.
September 2012