The future of the left since 1884

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Silent Majority

New social housing in the UK is a popular idea, as this research shows.
By Natan Doron and Robert Tinker.
September 2014

Pride of Place

Instead of focusing on the abstract and transnational in environmental politics, we need to build out from people’s pride in their sense of place. People need to be able to see the change they wish there to be in the world.
By Natan Doron and Ed Wallis
June 2014

Green Europe

Many environmental problems need international solutions. This report argues that governments and environmental campaigners have to spend more time thinking through how communities hear about and experience environmental and European policy at a very local level.
By Natan Doron
December 2013

Here Today

The privatisation of Royal Mail now makes a consideration of the long-term future of both the Post Office network and Royal Mail an urgent priority. The government should therefore prioritise plans to use the Post Office to provide a greater number of services.
By Natan Doron
November 2013

Reflection and Renewal

This report seeks to broaden and deepen the British Labour party’s understanding of the political context in Israel and, in particular, the challenges and opportunities currently faced by the political left. It hopes to better develop the kind of shared political understanding and analysis that helps parties of the left win power across the globe.
Edited by Natan Doron and Sofie Jenkinson
July 2013

Home Truths

This research confirms that the public politics of housing benefit is complicated and dominated by negative attitudes towards claimants. But the research also demonstrates ways in which a more nuanced and positive debate can be fostered. This more positive debate is crucial for the fight against homelessness and poverty in the coming years.
By Natan Doron and Robert Tinker.
June 2013

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