The future of the left since 1884

Summer 2015: Fabian Review

Following a crushing electoral defeat, the summer edition of the Fabian Review asks how Labour can flourish once again in Britain. With Dan Corry, Patricia Hewitt, James Morris and Ed Wallis, plus an interview with Dan Jarvis MP by Mary Riddell.


  • Summer 2015
  • By Ed Wallis
  • Published 27 July 2015

Following a crushing electoral defeat, the summer edition of the Fabian Review asks how Labour can flourish once again in Britain. With Dan Corry, Patricia Hewitt, James Morris and Ed Wallis, plus an interview with Dan Jarvis MP by Mary Riddell.

Also in this edition:

  • All five deputy leadership candidates set out their pitches to the party
  • David Coats asks what kind of capitalism we want
  • Sarah Hayward writes that Labour is in danger of being left behind on devolution

Copies are also available priced £4.95 from the Fabian Society bookshop – call 020 7227 4900, email  or send a cheque payable to “The Fabian Society” to 61 Petty France, London, SW1H 9EU.

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Ed Wallis

Ed Wallis is policy manager at Locality. He was previously editor of the Fabian Review.

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