Across the UK’s local innovation landscape, the result of June’s referendum has given rise to a full-throated chorus of voices asking ‘so, what’s next?’
It’s a pertinent question, and any attempt to provide an ‘easy’ answer would invariably be trite and...
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On the walk from London Bridge to City Hall, I have a dozen choices of where to buy a coffee.
However, the only place I can guarantee buying a morning coffee served by someone paid the London living wage is in...
While record numbers of people are in employment and some good jobs are being created, there are three key trends which define the changing world of work: hollowing out, stagnation and atomisation. It is only by understanding the true nature...
The Fabian Society and the trade union Community are joining forces to launch the Changing Work Centre, a new research centre exploring the changing world of work. The Centre will be launched at a central London event that will feature...
Last July saw one of the most extraordinary acts of political cross-dressing in British history. In the first Budget of the first all-Conservative government since the UK’s first National Minimum Wage was introduced against vigorous Tory opposition, the Chancellor announced...
The general election campaign has focused heavily on the state of the British economy, with debate centred on the scale and pace of deficit reduction as well as the fair distribution of the subsequent burden. This is as it should...