We need lower energy bills if we are to end fuel poverty and the cold homes crisis. This much is agreed.
Yet no other shadow announcements have received as much exposure on the doorstep - nor collected as many critics from...
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Earlier this year, Oxfam research found that the five richest families in the UK are wealthier than the poorest 20 per cent of the population combined. That means that just a handful of families hold more wealth than 12.5 million...
It’s often said that David Cameron has a women problem but it might be fairer to say that women have a David Cameron problem. In the four short years since Cameron became prime minister his government’s austerity programme has had...
This year, spurred on by social media and the effects of the recession, a new wave of feminism is continuing to gather strength at an impressive pace. Over 200,000 signatures have now gathered on the No More Page 3 petition...
The richest 85 people in the world hold the same wealth as the bottom 3.5 billion people. This is the headline grabbing statistic from a new Oxfam report about extreme economic inequality in the world today. The paper was launched...
As the general election creeps into view, focusing Labour minds on how to draw together a wide-ranging policy review into a realistic programme for government, there is a growing debate on the merits of ‘predistribution’ in tackling inequality. Is it...